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Established in 1996

Dawn Fraser Harbour Swimming Pool, Balmain

TKD Architects

The Dawn Fraser Baths are the oldest surviving tidal baths in Australia and are a landmark on the Parramatta River.

As part of the major conservation and refurbishment works to the site, undertaken between 2019 and 2021, Council required the preparation of a heritage interpretation plan, that would show how the history and significance of the place would be explained to the general public.

GBA Heritage had prepared the Conservation Management Plan for the site, which provided the first detailed account of the history of the baths. In preparing the Interpretation Plan, GBA Heritage explored the history of the expansion of the baths over time, as well as the unique histories of swimming champions, the Balmain Swimming Club, the Balmain Water Polo Club, and the Balmain Ladies’ Club.

Spatchurstudio brought the GBA Heritage plan to life with aquatic themed interpretation signage that engages with patrons at key points throughout the ground floor of the southern pavilion.