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Established in 1996

Grace House – Kent Street, Sydney

Tzannes Architects

Built by Grace Bros in 1913 as ‘warehouse flats’, was originally occupied by buyers’ or sellers’ agents and showrooms. At nine storeys Grace House was one of the ‘tall buildings’ appearing in Sydney at the time.

Abandoned in the 1980s, this once elegant building, with pressed metal ceilings and a classic timber post and beam structure, had gradually sunk into disrepair.

Joining the project in 2017, GBA Heritage provided heritage documentation and advice throughout the design and (ongoing) construction stages, with a focus on solving the building’s significant structural and repair challenges and upgrading it to current commercial standards, while retaining its character.

Image Credit: Tzannes Architects

The painted facades have been returned to their original face brick, the decaying timber windows have been restored and the original ‘Grace House’ parapet lettering faithfully reconstructed. Internally, pressed metal has been reinstated, unpainted rendered walls retained and a range of original features, including timber staircases, lift motors and technical elements have been incorporated in the Heritage Interpretation scheme, providing moments of interest and delight around the building.

Grace House opened its doors once more in early 2024.