Kareela Road Cremorne Point
PMDL Architecture
This small precinct of eight properties is located in the north east corner of the Cremorne Point Heritage Conservation Area.
These lots had a specific development history and urban character that differed from the majority of the remainder of Cremorne Point due to its scale and density.
At the time of the particular LEC hearing, this group of houses were regarded differently due to the large scale of the houses located in close proximity to each other.

The issue was how to develop the last vacant lot in a manner that matched the strong urban expression of its neighbours. Acting for the applicant, Graham Brooks had suggested to the architects that the scale of the infill building should be derived from the surrounding character of the locality in preference to the prevailing LGA planning controls which called for setbacks and massing that would limit the design of any new dwelling to a non-conforming scale and character.
After due consideration the Court supported this preference for contextual design over the use of standard numeric controls.