Over-station Development
Pitt Street Metro North
Foster Architects
The high rise northern tower above the new Pitt Street Gadigal Metro Station in central Sydney was flanked in its immediate vicinity by two richly decorated, medium-rise Interwar commercial buildings, which were individually heritage listed.
GBA Heritage provided heritage design guidance for the modelling of the new building to achieve a contextual base and a splayed high rise tower above.
Pitt Street Metro South
Bates Smart
The heritage challenge for this 39 storey State Significant Development was to fit sympathetically into an inner-city context rich in heritage items and character, including the heritage listed three storey Edinburgh Castle Hotel directly next door as well as several other low- and medium-scale listed buildings in the vicinity.
Guided by GBA Heritage advice, the new building’s height and scale were articulated into visual components reflecting those of the Hotel, while its mass was configured as two slender towers instead of one dominating bulk. The high solid to void ratio and orange and red brickwork characterising the Hotel and many of the heritage items in the vicinity was echoed in the materials and colours of the new building, resulting in an striking modern building that acknowledges and respects the heritage family around it.
The buildings are under construction and due to open in 2024.

Photo Credit: Foster Architects

Photo Credit: Bates Smart Architects