Heritage Advisory Services
Dawn Fraser Baths, Balmain
Dawn Fraser Baths, Balmain TKD Architects The Dawn Fraser Baths are an iconic reminder of the history of Australian aquatic sports. First o…
Tramsheds, Harold Park
Tramsheds, Harold Park Mirvac When Mirvac won the right to redevelop the former Harold Park racecourse as a new high density residential pr…
Queen Victoria Building, Sydney
Queen Victoria Building, Sydney After preparing a Conservation Management Plan in 1998, GBA guided a second transformation of the Queen Vic…
York Street Sydney
71 York Street, Sydney One of a series of Victorian warehouses that still define the historic urban character of York, Clarence and Kent St…
345 Sussex Street Sydney
345 Sussex Street, Sydney Crone Architects This large multi-storey Federation period warehouse underwent a major external and internal refu…
Clarence Street Sydney
Clarence Street, Sydney Joshua Farkash Architects A potential award of Heritage Floor S pace and the value of future funding once the proje…
Former Qantas Building (1957), Chifley Square
Former Qantas Building, Chifley Square Rudder Littlemore & Rudder original architects Apex Diagnostics façade specialists. The gracefu…
Campbells Stores, Circular Quay
Campbells Stores, Circular Quay JPW Architects These State Heritage Listed early 19th century warehouses were conserved and converted to a…
Rookwood Cemetery and Necropolis
Rookwood Cemetery and Necropolis Landscape Architect Florence Jacquet Protected as an historic funerary cultural landscape, GBA Heritage ha…
Birkenhead Point, Drummoyne
Birkenhead Point, Drummoyne Ignite Architects Initially converted from a former industrial complex in 1989, since c 2003, GBA Heritage has…