Photographic Archival Recording
Photographic archival recording of historic places and buildings is often imposed as a condition of development consent for works to a heritage listed property. Such recordings provide a valuable archive of the works during construction and for the long term management and future revitalisation opportunities.
The recording must usually be undertaken prior to the issue of a Construction Certificate or commencement of the works.

Industrial Building Cockatoo Island
Industrial Building Cockatoo Island Sydney Harbour Federation Trust The Sydney Harbour Federation Trust commenced a program of works to add…

Griffiths Teas former Historic Warehouse, Surry Hills
Griffiths Teas former Historic Warehouse, Surry Hills Popov Bass Architects The 1915 former Griffiths Teas warehouse in Surry Hills, at sev…

Randwick House
Randwick House Smithfield Grange is a visually impressive Italianate mansion erected by well-known soft drink manufacturer, John Starkey. T…