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Established in 1996

How we Partner with You

We collaborate with you

Today there are many different approaches to the conservation and revitalisation of historic buildings and places. Identifying the best approach for your project can be frustrating, and it can sometimes seem that design creativity or project feasibility is being stymied by regulations and regulators.

As your heritage consultant, GBA can help you to identify and respond to the heritage constraints and opportunities of your project. If engaged early in the design process, we can save you time, cost and frustration by flagging potential problems and suggesting solutions, reducing the risks of wasted time and refusal of consent.

Eric Pratten House

Image Credit: GBA Heritage


Image Credit: Warren & Mahoney Architects

Tramsheds, Harold Park

Photo Credit: Simon Wood Photography

We assist you

We provide professional, fully independent heritage research, design advice and peer review services without competing with other members of the project team.
GBA regularly works with many architects, planners, developers, owners, asset and project managers, heritage consent authorities and First Nations and other specialised consultants to achieve balanced and creative outcomes for the conservation, adaptation and revival of historic buildings and places.

As GBA Heritage is not part of any larger corporate structure, we can work flexibly within a wide range of project team environments.

We research

Understanding why (or if) a building or place has heritage significance is the key to understanding what can be done with it. Our starting point for any project is to research and understand the physical nature and historical development of a place.
We then bring that understanding to the project team. This research and assessment can involve working with Indigenous, archaeological, landscape and engineering specialists.

We effectively champion the building or place while development and design options are being explored, optimising responsible and creative project outcomes.

We support creativity

Contrary to some people’s belief, heritage places can inspire highly creative projects, as can be seen in many places locally and internationally. While always bearing core heritage principles in mind, we gladly support creative approaches that blend and balance new and old, and often produce successful development and heritage outcomes.

Approaches to such blending have evolved significantly in recent years, and many exciting examples are found outside Australia. GBA stays abreast of this by monitoring media about, and often travelling to see, such examples. We welcome opportunities to participate in developing creative, contemporary design solutions to heritage challenges.

Substation 164

Crown St, Surry Hills

Photo Credit: Smart Design Studio

Dawn Fraser Baths


See what our clients and partners have to say about us!

Kerry Darcovich SOPA

GBA Heritage have worked with Sydney Olympic Park Authority on numerous projects over the past 20 years.  Work has included writing Conservation Management Plans and Heritage Impact Assessments at landscape and building scales, providing technical advice to guide maintenance works and adaptive reuse proposals, and delivering heritage awareness training for staff and contractors.  They have worked collaboratively to develop highly practical approaches to complex and competing issues faced in a multi-use public parklands setting of State heritage significance.  We have found GBA Heritage to be knowledgeable, professional and timely in providing all of these services and they are a pleasure to work with.

Kerry Darcovich
Senior Manager Environment & Ecology
Sydney Olympic Park Authority | Department of Planning and Environment

Taylor Brammer – Landscape Architect

Over the last 40 or so years I have worked with Graham of GBA Heritage in the area of heritage conservation. In that time GBA Heritage and I have been involved in a wide range of heritage projects that have required a sensitive understanding of the issues involved and the need for positive outcomes for the community.  Graham is a thoroughly professional practitioner that brings great enthusiasm, exceptional knowledge, energy, wit and warmth to the role. His dedication and a huge knowledge base are first and foremost among his contributions to providing appropriate and imaginative outcomes to complex and demanding projects. GBA Heritage have been a pleasure to work with, and their earnestness and disciplined approach to projects is one to be proud of.

Matthew Taylor
Taylor Brammer – Specialist Heritage Landscape Architects

Tony Moody – Planner

I have known Graham Brooks for approximately 20 years. Due to the fact that I have been involved in numerous applications which require a Heritage assessment, Graham Brooks has been appointed to provide Heritage advice due to his well-deserved reputation.
Graham Brooks demonstrates high intellectual discipline, strong work ethic and strong professional ethics in his work. There have been occasions when Graham has decided not to professionally support a proposed development which I consider is a very positive feature of Graham’s work. Simply put, Graham has always given clear and objective advice, which invariably results in a much-improved Heritage outcome.
On a personal note, Graham is a very courteous person, who works in a positive collaborative manner, when joining a team of consultants. It has also been my experience that the above positive qualities of Graham are also demonstrated by the other members of GBA Heritage.

Tony Moody
Tony Moody Planning and Development Pty Ltd

David White – Architect

I have known Graham for over 18 years and I have worked with him and his team at GBA Heritage on all of our Heritage related projects (which is the majority of our work) in that time. The reason I like and very much enjoy working with Graham is that he is a very experienced Architect himself and he takes an Architect’s point of view with respect to Heritage. He responds thoughtfully and objectively to our designs and gently guides the refinement of those designs to meet Council Heritage Planners’ expectations. The respect the Council Planners have for Graham’s experience and qualifications is also a very important part of my professional relationship with him and GBA Heritage. His objectivity is always reassuring in our liasing with Councils and his advice is always sound when a Development Application may require a legal appeal. My professional life is enriched in working with Graham and GBA Heritage on our projects and our clients definitely reap the benefit of that association.

David White
David White Architects Pty Ltd

Jeff Mead – Planner

We have collaborated with GBA for more than 20 years on a variety of development projects which involve heritage complexities. We value frank advice, responsiveness and attention to detail, each of these attributes delivered consistently by GBA. Graham and the team have long been “go to” experts for Land & Environment Court matters and are highly regarded by the profession and the Court.

Jeff Mead
Managing Director
Planning Ingenuity

Alex Tzannes – Architect

We have worked with GBA Heritage on sensitive, heritage significant properties undergoing densification with development applications determined by local government, the Land and Environment Court and through State Significant Development pathways. GBA Heritage has consistently contributed rigorous, evidence based research to ensure an understanding of ‘place’ includes pre-colonial, colonial and more recent multi-cultural perspectives. The culture of GBA Heritage is open minded about design enabling our work to progress  effectively with supporting inputs directed towards achieving design excellence. Working relationships fostered by GBA Heritage are collaborative, engaging and creative, enabling the often substantial multi-disciplinary design team to work effectively, in good humour and with shared objectives.

Alec Tzannes AM
Tzannes Architecture

Michael Bell – Architect

For 25 years we have enjoyed a very successful partnership with GBA improving the liveability and value of local heritage items and whenever heritage is discussed GBA is the first company we think of.

Michael Bell
Michale Bell Architects Pty Ltd